上田隆義個展 2007

4th Private Exhibition  in Nishiwaki City Art Museum


第6回西脇市サムホール大賞受賞作家展 来住 しげ樹賞


November 25, 2007~ December 15


From the entrance


From the interior side




The wall is a shape of waves differing from a usual gallery.


a vast panorama of the entrance



合成樹脂加工を施しています。( 内4点は上から更にアクリルで描画。)

material : Pigment-based inkjet print, acrylic, synthetic resin

on synthetic fiber cloth, Wood panel.




最大で3点 (パネル4枚) 組の“Plural Composition Work”でトータル165.4 × 418 cm

の新作を中心に中型作品まで全8作品 (パネル総数15枚) を展示しました。

The biggest size is 66×167 inches.

and it is“Plural Composition Work”that I calls this series of works.

New works are eight points in all.   (Total of the panel is 15 points.)


★ About“ Plural Composition Work


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